Contact Details
Contact the Center for Gender & Sexuality Law
General Information
We invite you to contact the Center for Gender & Sexuality Law with any questions you may have about our events and programs. We also welcome inquiries from prospective Columbia Law School students who are interested in the study of gender and sexuality law and social justice advocacy about our work and studies at Columbia Law School.
Media Inquiries
If you are a journalist or reporter writing on issues of Gender and Sexuality Law in current events or with regard to law, legislation, policy, and advocacy, and are seeking comments from legal professionals, please email our Communications team at [email protected] or [email protected].
If you are reaching out with a media inquiry, please include a brief description of your article or segment, the name of the publication you are writing for, and your reporting deadline.
Mailing Address
Center for Gender & Sexuality Law
Columbia Law School
435 West 116th Street
Mail Box E9
New York, NY 10027
+1 (212) 854-0167
[email protected] (Center for Gender and Sexuality Law)
[email protected] (ERA Project)
[email protected] (Law, Rights, and Religion Project)
Social Media
Find the Center on Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube.
Also see:
The Law, Rights, and Religion Project's Twitter
The ERA Project's Instagram
Mailing List
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Looking for updates from the Law, Rights, and Religion Project only? Sign up here.